Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) Indicator Explained

An Introduction to the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) Indicator Are you a trader looking to gain insight into the best ways to use technical analysis to help you make the most profitable decisions? If so, then you should learn about the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator. This powerful indicator is a staple of […]

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How to Use Bollinger Bands to Improve Your Trading Strategy

Bollinger Bands Explained Bollinger Bands are one of the most popular technical indicators used by traders. Developed in the 1980s and named after their creator, John Bollinger, these bands provide a first-class trading strategy that can be used to identify potential entry and exit points for stocks or other financial instruments. By utilizing Bollinger Bands […]

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2022 in Review — Based Labs

Entering 2023, all of us here at Based Labs would like to summarize our journey through 2022 and thank all our BASED community. Happy New Year! 2022 Accomplishments: ⦁ 02/2022 — Launch of Based Finance on FTM⦁ 02/2022 — Multi-Yield — $BSHARE rewards TriCrypto Curve pool⦁ 03/2022 — Launch of Monster Zappers⦁ 04/2022 — Launch of Parthenon⦁ 05/2022 — Launch of Katastima⦁ 07/2022 — $BSHARE emissions successfully finished (50,000 […]

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Belated Based Friday | 3rd July 2022 | Update 15

Apologies for the delay on this one, the intern was celebrating Canada Day and took the day off. Today’s update will be brief and swift. The Tomb Finance Lif3 genesis is still ongoing, don’t forget to stake your $BASED to start earning an initial share of the Lif3 token. We also have an ongoing competition […]

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